Coach: Mr. Ralph Rivera (Elementary P.E. Teacher)
Tryout Date: Friday, October 13, 2023 and Monday, October 16, 2023
Tryout Time: 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Location: Meet at outdoor cafeteria tables in between the Kamalen Hall/School Cafeteria
Tryout Gear: comfortable but loose fitting shirt (dri-fit material recommended, but not required)/shorts, running shoes, bottled drink or flask, small hand towel (optional)
1. To participate in tryouts for IIAAG sports at BBMCS, a student must be in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.
2. 2nd quarter sports sign-ups were offered for middle school students from Tuesday, October 3, 2023 to Thursday, October 5, 2023 in their respective P.E. classes with Mr. Ryan Treltas, the 5th to 8th grade P.E. Teacher/Athletic Director. Students are not able to sign up after sign-ups are closed. The try out list is verified by Mr. Treltas to ensure all required documents are updated and submitted. The principal verifies the list of students to determine academic eligibility.
6TH TO 8TH GRADE STUDENTS: Current Physical / Academic Eligibility
3. Medical/Athletic Clearance Form (school physical) and Parental/Guardian Consent (attachment):
If a school physical is not yet completed and submitted, please complete and submit an updated physical exam (signed and dated within one calendar year) and complete the Parental/Guardian Consent located at the bottom of the BBMCS Medical/Athletic Clearance form. This form may be dropped off to the administration office from 7:30am - 3pm, Monday through Friday (closed on holidays/weekends) or email it to Ms. Janis, the school health coordinator/nurse ([email protected]).
Please note the Medical/Athletic Clearance and Parental / Guardian Athletic Consent SY 2023-24 is required BEFORE a student can participate in tryouts. IF YOUR CHILD’S SCHOOL PHYSICAL THAT THE SCHOOL HAS ON FILE HAS EXPIRED, YOUR CHILD CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN TRYOUTS OR PRACTICES.
4. Academic Requirement:
Students must also meet the academic requirements which are based on the student’s 1st quarter grades for school year 2023-2024 and require the student to have an average of 78 or higher in the core subjects (Theology, math, literature, English, science and social studies). Additionally, a student must not have more than 2 D’s or a single F in the core subjects. Parents of a student ineligible for tryouts will be notified on this matter.
5. School Safety Protocols:
IIAAG has sanctioned a return to pre-pandemic protocols regarding student health and safety. Masks will remain optional for students and there will no longer be weekly tests for non-vaccinated students to remain eligible.
6. Sports Fee/Uniform:
Student athletes who join sports each quarter and are selected for the team after tryouts will be assessed a non-refundable fee of $100.00. This assessment will help offset the cost of coaches’ stipends and IIAAG fees each school is required to pay. This fee includes the sports uniforms. Once a student athlete is sized and a sports uniform is ordered, payment must be made prior to receiving the uniform. Sports fees, to include sports uniforms, are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Please note if the above requirements cannot be fulfilled, your child CANNOT participate in tryouts for 2nd quarter sports.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or Mr. Ryan M. Treltas, the school's athletic director via email ([email protected]).